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Wednesday, 20.03.2024
Type seminar in the framework of the PDE Afternoon
Time 15:00 - 15:45
Place University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna (map)
Room HS 2, ground floor - how to get there
Speaker (University of Vienna)
On the stability of the non-symmetric coupling of finite and boundary elements
Abstract We consider the non-symmetric coupling of finite and boundary elements to numerically approximate solutions of second-order uniform elliptic PDEs defined in unbounded domains.
The first stability analysis of this scheme, contained in the pioneering article by C. Johnson and J.C. Nédélec (1980), was restricted to Lipschitz interfaces. It took three decades to overcome this limitation. However, despite the progress, some open problems remain.
In this talk, we discuss the stability of the scheme, highlighting classical results, new developments, and remaining challenges.
Notes This event takes place in hybrid form (in person and online on Zoom). Slides and additional materials are available on the Moodle service of the University of Vienna. If you want to participate, please write an email to matteo.tommasini@univie.ac.at. Further details are available at this link.
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