
Joint post-doc call of the projects FWF SFB 65 "Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems" and ERC Advanced Grant "Emerging Network Structures and Neuromorphic Applications" - Online application

Please note that additional positions currently open in the SFB 65 project may be listed at this link.

Please note that the deadline for the position advertised in this call is on
23.04.2023 (23:59 Europe/Vienna time)

The complete text of the call is available at this link.

If you encounter any problem while filling this form, please contact Matteo Tommasini at matteo.tommasini@univie.ac.at.

Please note: the server of the University of Vienna is regularly maintained each Wednesday between 17:00 and 19:00 (Europe/Vienna time), so we would suggest not to use this form during that time frame.
We also suggest to use a modern updated browser (like Chrome/Chromium, Firefox or Safari) to fill this application.

This call is no longer open. The current time (Europe/Vienna timezone) is 01.05.2024 12:28:49 and the call closed automatically on 23.04.2023 at 23:59:00.